Edith Dunfee, 102
New York, NY
"It's critical to elect her so we can continue to make progress as a society"
Born January 1914 in Staten Island, NY
Married at 19 to delivery-truck driver
Did not graduate from high school, opting instead for secretarial school
Always worked, relying on extended family for childcare
Created middle-class life in New Jersey, sending to children to college
Two daughters, three grandchildren, five great-grandchildren
"After being born in a time when women couldn't vote and then being six years old when they gained the right, I've never missed a chance to exercise my constitutional right. And I've always voted as a D. But this time is so very special because the D is a woman. It's critical to elect her so we can continue to make progress as a society. Younger people don't realize that the "olden days" were not idyllic. Only old people like me realize just how much better off we are today."