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Timely and Timeless Wisdom:

A small sampling from We The Resilient​


What’s your best advice for our country now?

“I encourage every young child, girl or boy, get the best education you can. Study, learn history, get the facts, and be courageous. No matter what happens, you must be tough, be strong, and go on. Be involved, be helpful, make a difference. You can’t let your feelings of fear overwhelm you. You must deal with life as it happens. You can’t be weak. You must fight for your rights.”


-Harriet Terry Cohen, 98

Margaretville, NY





“This is a democracy. Keep an open mind, and carry on.”


- Estelle Liebow Schultz, 98

Rockville, MD



​​“We must not give up hope. Instead of despairing, do something! Join an organization that can make changes. Engage in nonviolent protests. Write letters to the editor of your newspaper. Work with others who are like-minded.


“I know we have to accept adversity as we have done in the past. I hope young people will face this situation with courage and stand up for what is right.”



- Neal Brewster, 97

 Carol Stream, IL

Remember, as Margaret Mead said, ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’”


- Juliet Relis Bernstein, 103 

Chatham, MA

“Sometimes, the most dislikeable creatures will turn out to surprise you.”


- Patricia Calkins Lightbody, 97

Chagrin Falls, OH​


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