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Mary Ellen Switzer Fitts, 98

Chelsea, MI


“I believe strongly in speaking up and working hard for women's rights and all human rights”


  • Born January 1918 in Knoxville, TN

  • Born fifth of ten children to a strong woman influenced by the women’s suffrage movement in her hometown, Ithaca, NY

  • Taught school before marrying and raising four children in Ohio and Michigan

  • After her husband died unexpectedly in 1965, returned to work in social services and continuing education

  • Three surviving daughters, six grandchildren


“I believe strongly in speaking up and working hard for women's rights and all human rights. That's why I happily wear my ‘I'm With Her’ button every day, bicycling around my retirement community. When I was 90 years old I traveled to Ohio to canvass door-to-door for Barack Obama. Now I'm thrilled that I made it to 98 years and ten months so I can vote for a real progressive and a darn strong woman, Hillary Clinton!”


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