Esther Wattenberg, 97
Minneapolis, MN
"I am proud to vote for Hillary"
Born 1919 in London, Ontario, Canada
Came to U.S. in 1945
Taught social work at Univ. of Minnesota, pioneering a program to give women new opportunities and find ways to protect at-risk children
at 90, she still had an office at the University of Minnesota's school of social work
participated in international feminist conventions in the early days
Was married for 70 years
Six children, eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren
"My close friends -- including Arvonne Fraser, an early feminist organizer -- and I were mainstays of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) party. We worked hard to support great liberal candidates from the State of Minnesota such as Don Fraser, Hubert Humphrey, Eugene McCarthy, Paul Wellstone, and Walter Mondale, and later worked to elect the first generation of strong and impactful female leaders. I supported Hillary Clinton in 2008 and caucused for her in March. I am proud to vote for Hillary!"