B.Ruth Soffen, 102
South Orange, NJ
"Excited to be able to cast her vote for the most competent candidate in years and a long-awaited first female President of the United States"
Born April 1914 in Brooklyn, NY
Bootlegged with her family during Prohibition to help pay off debt
Hitchhiked to Florida in her 20s
Worked as a civilian secretary for the U.S. government during World War II and won a $50 office pool by guessing when Japan would surrender after taking dictation on the atom bomb
Won an arbitration with the New York City Unemployment Office without a lawyer after wrongfully being denied benefits in 1957
As secretary/bookkeeper in the furniture business with her husband in Union City, N.J., was among the first to extend credit to Cuban immigrants
Enjoys writing poems for family and friends’ birthdays and special occasions, reading, crocheting and playing Bridge
One daughter, son-in-law, 3 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild
"Thrilled when Dr. Oz presented her with a cake on her 100th birthday, B.Ruth revealed, “You have to have something exciting to look forward to every day; that’s what makes the heart beat.” When the village president of the Township of South Orange presented her with an official proclamation recognizing her 102nd birthday, B.Ruth couldn’t stop exclaiming, “the Lady Mayor!!!” Now, she is excited to be able to cast her vote for the most competent candidate in years and a long-awaited first female President of the United States!"